
5 Methods For Boosting Your Facebook Ads Campaigns


Facebook Ads are an extremely powerful tool for generating targeted traffic to your website, however creating a new Facebook Ads campaign can be challenge for those lacking experience with Facebook’s advertising platform. Often less experienced marketers take a lazy approach and create “all in one” ad sets & campaigns without properly segmentation this approach typically leads to less than desirable results.


Here’s 5 Methods For Boosting Your Facebook Ad Campaigns:


1) Separate Ads by Placement

Facebook Ad placements include Desktop Newsfeed, Mobile Newsfeed, Desktop Right Placement and Instagram. The process of separating Ads by placement allows you to target a specific audience across 4 different placements & ad sets allowing for much more detailed analytics data and the ability to fine tune your campaigns. Keeping track of your campaigns and ad sets using a standard abbreviation system (Instagram: IG, Desktop Newsfeed: D/NF, etc.)  is an important and often overlooked practice. This ensures everyone will be able to analyze and make sense of the campaigns and ad sets.

2) Proper Bidding

After your ad sets have been separated by placement you can finally start to optimize them based on their placement. Similarly to Google Adwords performance can vary dramatically from search ads to display ads. With Facebook Ads mobile is the future and your cost per click will typically be lower than other placements. The newest addition to Facebook Ads is Instagram and although it can be great for driving targeted traffic, it is typically the most expensive placement.

After starting a new ad set the bids will usually fluctuate but these are still a good starting point for launching a new ad set. There are a variety of campaign objectives, the below bids are specifically based on bidding for link clicks and you should consult with a marketing expert to review your bidding strategy before attempting to use them.

Mobile Newsfeed:  $1 CPC
Desktop Newsfeed:  $2.50 CPC
Desktop Right Placement:  $2 CPC
Instagram:  $3 CPC

It’s important that you stay on top of testing different bidding types to determine which perform best for your ad sets. Facebook Ads includes some useful tools for automating the bidding process that can attempt to improve conversion rates based on conversion tracking data.

3) Utilize Audience & Placement

Every Facebook Ads placement has it’s own unique criteria and by taking the extra step of separating your ads by placement type, you now have the ability to create ads that adhere to the exact criteria for each placement type. The criteria includes things like elements being visible or not (descriptions, buttons) and the amount of characters allowed for a particular field.

It should go without saying for any experience marketer but optimizing your Facebook Ads by audience can’t be overlooked, Make sure each ad set is optimized for it’s target audience.

4) The Right Delivery

Facebook recently updated their bidding structure to include a new ad delivery setting for their Facebook Ads interface. Marketers who have some experience running PPC campaigns probably already know the difference between “accelerated” vs “standard” delivery, however simply put they mean.

Accelerated: Your Facebook Ads will be served every possible time they’re eligible until your set budget has been spent.

Standard: Your Facebook Ads will be served consistently throughout the day at a steady pace to avoid depleting your budget to quickly.

If you are noticing that your Facebook Ads aren’t generating as many click or impressions as you anticipated, sometimes the solution is as simple as modifying your delivery method to accelerated.

5) Ad Diversification

Facebook Ads features a large variety of creative options allowing you to make truly unique ads for each of your campaign objectives. You should be taking full advantage of all the creative options Facebook Ads provide. Depending on your ad placement you will have to adhere to different criteria, such as element and character limits but you should start by testing which ad types are producing the best results for your campaigns right off the bat.

Creating a successful Facebook Ads campaign can be a challenge, there is a lot more to it than just selecting your audience and delivery methods, it’s important to fully utilize all of your creative assets as well.